The first week

Von | 16. Mai 2006

So, I have successfully survived a whole week in India already. Only 15 more to go :). Looking back, this was one of the most intersting weeks of my life – with more to come up.

By now, I have less and less difficulties understanding the Indian English, at least with my colleagues at the office. As Indians tend to speak very quickly and „nuschelnd“ (Leo translates it as mumbling), it’s quite hard to understand them at first, especially at one in the morning after a nine-hour flight….

Work has finally started to pick up. I may not have written it before, but I am working in the area of Mobile Business. So I have been working on customer messages this week, and tomorrow there’s some meeting scheuled regarding the IMS India pages in the SAP Corporate Portal, SAP’s intranet. It seems as if I am supposed to work on them (as I said, Indians are hard to understand ;)).

And, finally, DSL is being installed at the guesthouse, so I will finally be able to access the internet at home without having to go to the roof – wich can be quite uncomfortable when it’s raining. I have also gotten a cable for my digital camera, so if power does not fail (again) tonight, I will be able to get some pictures online.

May the force be with you!

Ein Gedanke zu „The first week

  1. sanni

    Hey Martin,

    deine erste Woche ist doch schon so lange her. ich dachte, dass mal wieder n Entry kommt :), wenn nicht, dann kann ich dir ja mal von meinem tag so erzaehlen *g*

    so bis hoffentlich schnell zum naechsten Eintrag 😉


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