Discoveries in Salarpuria

Von | 9. Mai 2006

Hey! Today was a day of discoveries. It all started on may way to work with another German SAP employee who is also staying at the guest house. He told me not only of several good restaurants in Bangalore (and how to get there cheap), but also that there is WLAN access on the roof of the house! What joy!

Discovery day continued with two very useful tools for work:

  • Desktop Sidebar, a tool which docks itself to the side of your screen and provides useful tools, such as a clock, weather forecast, RSS news feed (where you can watch this very blog’s advances), Outlook integration, and much more…
  • MS Virtual Desktop Manager, which allows you to switch between four desktops…surf the web on one of them, and when your manager walks by, switch to the one with your work on 🙂 On this page, you’ll also find some other cool tools. Remember to check out the Alt-Tab replacement.

If you want to install them on a PC without administrator access, just make sure you install them into a directory you have write access to and ignore all errors. With sidebar, you’ll have to use an older version, such as build 76 which I use. Plugin installing is also not possible.

The trip continues with the canteen. I found out that there are four (4) menues available for me: North Indian, South Indian, Continental (rather European or US-American), and Chinese. Unfortunately, the Continental and Chinese were empty by the time I got there, so I had to stay to the Indian food. It felt as if it got even spicier since yesterday, but tomorrow I’m going to try the North Indian, in silent hope that they know how to spice it.

When I went back to my office to get something to drink, I discovered that we not only get water, coffe and tea, but also 7Up, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, and Orange Juice – for free! That cheered me up a great bit, just like the fact that I got an introduction to SAP Mobile Asset Management (MAM), which I will be working on for the time being. I also got the users for the eleven systems I will be working on. I am in good spirits that I can start working tomorrow. Have a nice day (for those west of me) or evening (for those east of me).

Ein Gedanke zu „Discoveries in Salarpuria

  1. Jochen

    Martin, your blog has just the right length. It exactly fitted in one J2EE server restart. You prevented me from becoming a coffee addict… I’m very thankful.

    This Desktop Manager is cool. Gives you some kind of Linux feeling and offers more possibilities to lose track of your windows (you cannot ALT-TAB over all virtual desktops, can you?).

    Instead of the MS Alt-TAB tool, I recommend this one:

    Greetings from Singapore


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