The Journey

Von | 8. Mai 2006

Well, the day has finally come. Frankfurt to Bangalore, that’s 9 hours of sitting on board of the plane without the possibility to stretch your legs. I still got sore muscles from that flight. But I have to say that Lufthansa’s haute cuisine (finally a place where this expression is really appropriate) isn’t too bad, either. It was turkey for lunch and chicken for dinner, and they even tasted like turkey and chicken.

The window place didn’t pay out though. It was mostly cloudy, and we had a large stretch over the Indian Ocean, which is at night basically pitch black. The only really impressive sight, besides the Anatolian Highland, which is nice but not very spectacular, with mostly snow-covered mountains, was the approach to Bangalore.

So, imagine you are sitting in a plane. You look out of the window, and you see a city. That is, only a city. No matter where you look, it’s street lamps everywhere. And you are sitting in a plane, so you have a very good and far view. I tried to photograph it, but I’m afraid the pictures aren’t very good. If they are, I’ll post some to give you an idea.

After this impressive sight, the airport itself was quite disillusioning. 92Not that is is dirty, no, but it is … run down … and partly under construction. As about half of Bangalore. The most overwhelming thing though was the heat. I was arriving in the middle of the night, so I had figured it sould be quite cool. However, 25 C are not cool, especially with a very high humidity. It’s like a switch – they open the doors, and you start sweating.

And the final journey was that from the airport th the guest house, after I finally got my luggage and got through immigration and customs (only took me an hour, my suitcase must have been the first to be loaded – with the aircraft being a LIFO storage). Traffic in India is – quite interesting, I’d say. Traffic rules, lane markings, right of way – in India it is obviously replaced by honking loud and often. I wouldn’t survive a single minute in this traffic.

But now I’m safely in my room, and I will head off to try and get some sleep before I will finally meet my working place in the morning. Good night, guys!

Ein Gedanke zu „The Journey

  1. sanni

    Hey Martin,

    das ist ja grandios. Ich weiss genau wie du dich gefuehlt hast, als die Tueren des Flugzeugs aufgingen. Genau so einen Klimaschock hab ich erlebt, als ich mit meinen Ellis nach Sri Lanka bin. Ist ja auch gleich um die Ecke.

    Dann ist es ja auch nicht mal schlimm, wenn du dein Waesche noch ein bissel feucht anziehst (wenn die da ueberhaupt jemals trocken werden sollte) weil sie vom schwitzen sowieso gleich nass ist *g*

    So das war mein Comment of the day.
    When du die alle lieber auf englishc haettest, just let me know 😉



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