Kategorie-Archive: Administration


Finally! My pictures are online at http://pictures.dreiersoftware.de. I haven’t been able to sift through all the pictures of my trips yet, so they will come online as soon as I get them ready. Meanwhile, enjoy what I already put there!


Hi there! I haven’t written anything for quite a while, due to a combination of technical problems and a general lack of time. My sinceres apologies for that! Now I managed to catch up, and I even introduced a new category, the topic of the week. So, you might want to catch up on your… Weiterlesen »

A warm welcome

Hello and a warm welcome to all of you! Finally, I have managed to get this blog up and running, and no I just have to add some content. If you want to know who I am, look at the About Me page. I have written down some of my motives to write this blog… Weiterlesen »